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Tag: partners

Articles tagged as Partners

Keep The Flame Burning Hot With Sexy Adult Costumes

Posted on January 14, 2024 by Kraig Keleher
Relationship counselors and self-help books invariably have this common advice for folks to help keep the passion moving in a relationship: spend quality time and also have fun together.Having fun together means breaking a particular monotony that could have inadvertently crept in, a regrettable consequence of unknowingly taking each other for granted.In the end, as time passes, both partners think that they understand each other perfectly...

Is Safe Sex Really Safe?

Posted on May 8, 2022 by Kraig Keleher
Gone will be the days when people may have multiple partners minus the usage of a condom, along with other safe sex practices.Safe sex is focused on keeping yourself, as well as your partner, protected from the complications of unwanted pregnancies and std.Although the idea of safe sex seems easy enough to comprehend, increasing numbers of people -- teenagers specifically -- appear to be missing the idea, or missing the idea of how exactly to accomplish safe sex...